Can your business afford not to invest in marketing?
20th October 2022 by Rachael Bruce
Businesses feeling the pinch of the cost of living crisis are trying to reduce outgoings, but marketing spend is perhaps one thing they can’t afford to cut.
With consumers carefully considering where they spend their cash, it’s imperative for brands to remain on their radar.
Social media is a great tool for this. Organic posts with engaging, relevant content can help keep you in front of your existing customers and followers. Looking to target new customers? Expand your audience with social media advertising that can be tailored using a range of filters to help reach the right demographic. Apply a boost to some of your organic posts to increase reach and save the very sales focussed messaging for your paid-for content.
Charities, not-for-profit organisations, community groups and schools are also feeling the pinch. Helping them out by diverting some of your marketing budget is a way of scoring some good PR, thanks to the feel-good factor. It could be a one-off donation to a project that’s close to the hearts and minds of your staff or customers or you may wish to adopt a charity of the year. Alternatively, you could set up a fund and invite good causes to apply for funding, with a set budget to be shared between applicants.
Whichever route you choose to give back to the community, those involved will be likely to share the good news on their social media channels, enabling your post to be seen by more people. The mainstream media also recognise that their audiences want a break from the doom and gloom and are more likely to share the good you’re doing than your latest special offer or sales incentive.
From social media to traditional media, we can help spread your company’s news. Want to know more? Get in touch!